Custom-Made Sport Trophies and Employee Rewards

Bespoke acrylic trophies and awards are a great reward for a job well done. Whether it’s to crown the winners of the football league or to highlight the hard work of an employee, a personalised trophy is an effective and much appreciated way to commemorate an achievement. It doesn’t matter whether you are fifteen or fifty, because a custom-made acrylic award is something meaningful and personal that will stand the test of time.
Sheet Plastics is the UK’s biggest online plastic sheet stockist. We are highly experienced in manufacturing trophies, and other acrylic awards, for both individuals and businesses, for all kinds of reasons. Manufactured to exact specifications, we can create high-quality, fit for purpose finished pieces in no time at all.
In this blog post we will be discussing all things trophies - from reasons to give a trophy through to design inspiration, we want to help you order something that will sit on a mantlepiece, bookshelf or display cabinet for years to come.
Custom Sport Trophies
Some of the most famous trophies in the world are awarded for sports, such as the Wimbledon Trophy, the FIFA World Cup Trophy and the RAC Tourist Trophy. However, you don’t need to be a leading professional to receive a trophy. Whether you play professionally or just for fun, a personalised acrylic trophy can transform your approach to sport.
Some of the most popular sports in the UK include: basketball, boxing, football, golf, horse riding and hockey. No matter what you play, a trophy, and all of the connotations attached to it, can increase your enjoyment and ensure that these memories stay with you forever. Just some reasons to invest in a trophy for your team include:
- Competition: Playing for something is a sure-fire way to bring out the best in someone. Competition is healthy and friendly, and a trophy is something that can be taken home at the end of the day - which is all the more reason to try and succeed. Sometimes, it can be the motivating factor needed to drive performance and smash goals, personal or otherwise.
- Reputation: Having an extensive collection of sport trophies is a surefire way to establish yourself as the best of the best. This holds true for individuals and teams alike, with the reputation you earn having a knock on effect on those around you - your coach, your school, your district, or whoever else may be there to train and support you.
- Keepsake: The excitement of winning a trophy extends far beyond the day that you take it home. This is because it can sit in pride of place as a reminder of your achievement for years to come - long after you finish playing. It then becomes a memento with a story that you can tell and retell, over and over again.
You may be wondering if you are eligible for sport trophies, and the simple answer is: yes. It doesn’t matter whether you play at school, whether you’re in a young professionals team or whether you’re in an over fifties league. Every age, level and skill deserves to be rewarded with a custom prize.
Acrylic Trophy Ideas
When it comes to acrylic sports trophies, the sky’s the limit. You have almost complete freedom over the shape, size and colour, which means that you can pay homage to your sport and to your team.
We’ve made a lot of trophies and we’ve seen even more; some of our favourite design ideas include.
- Representing your sport: Having a footballer kicking a ball, a horse leaping a jump or a golfer swinging his stick are just a few ways that you can represent your sport on top of your trophy. The distinctive outline and shape results in a classic, timeless trophy.
- Representing your team: Most teams are associated with certain colours. Just like the England team is associated with red white and blue, teams of all sizes are associated with different colours. You can represent said colours, and show some home pride, by requesting coloured acrylic.
- Championing inclusivity: While a trophy typically signifies a single winner, it can also be used to celebrate participation. Bulk ordering custom sport trophies so that everyone in the team, or everyone in the competition, can have something to take away is a nice touch - and it demonstrates that winning isn’t everything, which can be an important life lesson for younger people.
Personalised Employee Rewards
Employees are the backbone of every business, which is why it’s important to treat them well. Recognising their achievements with a custom acrylic trophy is just one way that you can do this. There are so many things that you can celebrate, and there’s even the opportunity to have some fun with it. Whether you’re awarding most motivated, best project results or most improved tea maker, a personalised employee award is the perfect way to show your employees that you care.
To take things a step further, you can also order custom trophies for industry awards or local awards. This is a great way to establish yourself as a thought leader, to add a friendly dose of competition to the workplace and to network with potential clients and partners. The possibilities are endless with this one!
Some reasons to order personalised employee rewards include:
- Achievement: Receiving an award fills you with a sense of pride, accomplishment and achievement. This means that it is a really effective means of showing your employees that you value them and their contribution to the workplace. This in turn encourages employees to continue taking pride in their work and to enjoy what they’re doing - and to share their achievement with others on social media. This results in increased brand awareness, building your reputation for being a great place to work.
- Recognition: Recognising your employees is so important, and a custom trophy makes it so easy to show them that they are appreciated. A 2018 study found that 80% of Gen Z feel a sense of appreciation, while only 57% of Generation X feel the same. To achieve as close to 100% within your organisation as possible, you should look at different ways to make employee satisfaction boom.
- Motivation: The prospect of winning something is hugely motivating, and so a trophy is a great way to inspire your team into working harder and better than ever. This is doubly true if the prize is positioned as something highly sought after, or difficult to win, because it generates the above feelings of achievement and deserved recognition.
Acrylic Trophy Inspiration
Once again, the possibilities are endless when it comes to custom employee trophies. This is because you can create a stunning and sophisticated design that is fit for purpose - which means that it can be perfectly aligned with the way that you work.
Some of our favourite design tips for these trophies, to really get your creative juices flowing, include:
- Representing your business: Request colours that are associated with your brand, whether they’re taken from your logo or your interior design. The aforementioned is another great way to represent your business, as your custom trophy can contain your logo - allowing you to demonstrate company pride, and make it crystal clear that you are the awarding body.
- Representing your industry: In a similar fashion to the above, you can also choose to represent your wider industry. This is an opportunity to have some fun with it, and to think about the kinds of objects and concepts that you are associated with. For example, if you are a school you may want to have a book or an apple, while if you are a manufacturing firm you may want to have a drill or a hammer.
- Representing the achievement: If you are presenting awards for different things, it could be fun to take personalisation one step further and make each trophy different. This means that if you have awards for, for example, team work, most improved and lead generation, you can represent each in a different way.
How to Order Acrylic Trophies with Sheet Plastics
At Sheet Plastics, our approach to custom acrylic trophies is incredibly flexible, which means that we can meet almost every design request - even the most outlandish and outrageous. We use acrylic sheets, which are hugely versatile and can be cut, bent, drilled, shaped, router cut, laser cut, moulded and machined according to your exact specifications. It also means that we can create detailed designs that look just like glass, except they’re significantly lighter and cheaper.
There are so many options at your disposal, including:
- Traditional cube or rectangular shapes
- Custom cuts
- Clear acrylic
- Colour acrylic
- Engravings
No project is too big or too small! To order acrylic trophies, simply get in touch with a member of our team by phoning 01455 819370 or emailing [email protected]. They will be able to support you from ideation to delivery, to make sure that you are 100% satisfied with your final purchase.